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Who is ZEM?




I'm Demie, a primary school teacher with a passion for childrens wellbeing.


Over the past 10 years, I have worked in all sorts of educational settings: 

Dance teaching, Learning support officer in the UK, Nannying overseas, and of course Primary school teaching including Wellbeing coordinator roles.

 Throughout my educational experience, I noticed a strong correlation with those who were falling behind in their academics, to those who lacked social and/or emotional skills. Skills that revolved around emotion regulation, social management/ awareness, resilience, and self awareness. 


Upon further research, I found many studies linking high emotional intelligence (our ability to understand and action our own and others emotions), to those who performed better in school, have a higher chance of successful relationships, and were happier adults in general.


This is when ZEM was born


My goal is to support as many children as possible in building the skills needed for greater emotional intelligence, and increase mindfulness in all schools in Australia. The research is there, however so much is still lacking in Australian schools in this area. I aim to be apart of the movement that improves this.



Hi there! 


The next question is.. Will your school be too?

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